طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ

Start your learning journey today with the best online tutors!

How it all works

Learn at your own pace with pre-recorded course or learn from live scheduled classes


Find the perfect tutor or course

Select from our extensive library of world class pre-recorded courses or you can opt for learning from our verified list of Live tutors


Schedule your learning time

Allocate proper learning time for learning. Consistently learning everyday brings tremendous growth


Start Learning journey

Pre-recorded courses provide you the opportunity to learn at your own pace. Live lessions have the advantage of beig able to interact with tutors in real-time.

Expert Tutors

Expert tutors provide personalized guidance and in-depth knowledge to help students excel in their studies

Verified Profiles

Verified profiles ensure authenticity and trust by confirming the identity and credentials of users on the platform

Pay Per Course

Pay per course or bundle offers flexible payment options, allowing you to purchase individual courses or discounted course packages

Affordable Prices

Affordable prices make high-quality education accessible to everyone without breaking the bank

Why us

Learn and grow! online anywhere, anytime!

Expand your knowledge and develop skills with the convenience of learning online, anytime and from anywhere

Customized learning

Customized learning tailors educational experiences to fit each individual's unique needs and goals

Get expert help when you need it

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Learn anytime, anywhere

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About us

" We prepare you to achieve your goals with professional tutors. "

We support you in reaching your goals by matching you with skilled professional tutors. Their expertise ensures you receive personalized guidance tailored to your needs 

Our success stories


"The personalized tutoring I received was incredible. With their help, I not only improved my grades but also gained a deeper understanding of my subjects. I’m now more confident and prepared for my future."
SK. Abdus Samad


"I was struggling with my studies until I joined this platform. The expert tutors provided clear explanations and support, which made all the difference. Thanks to their guidance, I achieved top marks in my exams."
Br. Akram Reza


"The flexibility of learning online allowed me to balance my studies with my other commitments. The professional tutors were patient and supportive, helping me excel in my courses and achieve my academic goals."
Maulana Asif Jamal


"This platform transformed my learning experience. The tutors were not only knowledgeable but also understood my unique needs. Their support helped me improve my performance and reach my educational aspirations."
Anwar raza


"I am grateful for the customized learning experience I received. The tutors’ expertise and encouragement played a significant role in my academic success. I now feel more prepared and motivated than ever."
M A Kamaluddin